Saturday, February 28, 2009

Addy's stash {Feb. 28th}

Since it has been so nice this week, Addy's been outside on the bike mostly, but today is frigid, so she took advantage of the sticker stash today and created her own card. She should have enough stickers to make cards for years! yea, it's the last day of Feb. Bring on Spring!

Finally caught up! {Feb. 27th}

Finally I got my 07 and 08 Christmas albums done tonight. I got two identical albums as Christmas gifts in 07. I usually put together a small 5x7 album of all the Christmas adventures for that year. But for some reason 07 got skipped even with these adorable albums. So tonight since my scrap room(closet, I mean) was clean, I finished up stuffing the albums for 07 and 08 Christmas' took all of 10 mintues, now why haven't I done that before now?

Feeling like Spring {Feb. 26}

When I picked up Bryant today, he was outside just a sweating. So before gymnastics, we dug out the shorts and short sleeves. Gotta love 70 degree days!

Creative Cleaning {Feb. 25th}

I have mucho scrapbooking supplies in a little tiny closet inside our staircase. It used to serve as a wetbar to the living room, but since we don't need that, it works well for mine and Addy's stash. I took one hour to get it in shape. I shouldn't taken a picture before I started. You couldn't even see the floor, not anymore! I don't scrap much with the real stuff, but Addy loves it. So she will have a place to work from now on.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The man in the house is another year older {Feb. 24}

We celebrated on Monday, Doug's 35th birthday. We had the family over and ate at our house, which was fun for me.. I love my new house. Have I said that lately?

Friends {Feb. 23}

Andrew came over to play with Bennett and Bryant on Monday afternoon. Andrew and Bennett have been friends since they were born for the most part. They were both at mama Doris' and now they are at Ballman. Because Fort Smith is so big, I really didn't know if my family would form those small town bonds like I had growing up, but we have with this family. Andrew's mom has taught two of the three for their kindergarten year and we hope the third will have her in a few years. The boys have yet to miss a birthday for each other and between baseball and play dates in the summer, they will be lifelong friends I'm sure.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Soccer Afternoon {Feb. 22}

the kids and Doug enjoyed the sunshine and played some soccer today. Still a bit cold, here but spring's coming!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday {Feb. 21}

Bennett and Grandaddy ventured off to WalMart this morning. Since last summer Bennett has been keeping a bank and he finally had enough money to buy a new bike...seeing how his old one needs a new rim and rim's cost as much as a new bike.......we thought it would be okay for him to spend his own money on the bike. His new bike has a kick stand that Addy thinks is the coolest thing ever. She doesn't have one for some reason.? We are sending the old bike home with mom and dad and hoping they find a rim to replace the one we bent.

Friday{Feb. 20}

The carpenter arrives. Mom and Dad came up for lots of reasons, but one was to bring my cabinet dad built. Because of the fridge issue, I had a big hole left open that was very tacky. Step one was to build a cabinet. We can now check that off the list. Step two is get a butcher block counter top to cover the compactor and new cabinet. Then Daddy is building a magazine rack to finish the job. I am so thankful that he's got skills in the shop and the time to do it. Thank You

Thursday {Feb. 18th}

Bennett started shooting hoops a couple of weeks ago. It is amazing how clear that sound of a thumping basketball and a little kid bouncing up against the door sounds. There is no telling how many shots my brother hit on his hoop over the door when we were growing up. Anyway, other than Bennett's room is directly over my bedroom and it sounds like he is going to fall right through.....I'm glad he has taken up the "very boy" pastime. Anything other than just video games!

Wednesday {Feb. 17th}

Bryant, my little poser! If he isn't asking to take the pictures, he is posing for them. This is definitely a new development. I can recall needing a prosac when he was two years old, to get him to actually be photographed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday {Feb. 17th}

Tonight when I let the dogs inside, I asked Bryant to go upstairs and shut the bedroom doors. I don't like for the dogs to be up there to eat toys, etc. So up he went, he is such a sweet boy and never minds helping when it was bath and bedtime I go up there to help get them ready and discover he not only shut the doors, but decided that locking them would be much better...just in case the dogs figure out how to turn the knob, I guess?! So, Bennett freaks and says, "Am I going to have to wear these clothes to school tomorrow?" It was so funny. I wasn't ever stressed because of that handy tool we have that pop the locks. Boy, if we ever loose that thing---Bryant thought he was so smart and cute..locking the doors! Oh, well. I guess next time I will be more specific with my youngest helper.

Monday {Feb. 16th}

Addy has been taking gymnastics for more than a year, but she's had little success with moving up levels. Well, we switched teachers in January and realized that was more than likely the problem. Addy has finally learned her backbend kickover! Yea, Addy. Funny looking picture, but she was so proud. I should have caught her face the first time she did it. But I didn't have the camera then. I ran downstairs so we could capture it.

Sunday {Feb. 15th}

I spent some time setting up Bryant's train table. He has the attention of a three year old, imagine that. So, once it is built for about 30 minutes, it ends up being a mess. But he for that 30 minutes, he loves it!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day {Feb. 14th}

I could get all mushy, but I will spare you on that stuff. I am one lucky girl, that's all I have to say.

apothecary jar {Feb. 13}

Guess What I received today. I don't remember the last time I got such a surprise! I've been wanting one of these jars and mamaw found one for me. Thanks so much and I'll hope to keep some little kiddy hands out of the candy.

Facebook junky {Feb. 12}

During the ice storm, Doug created a profile on Facebook. It is so funny watching guys on Facebook.

Broken Bike {Feb. 11}

Guess what was left behind the van? Guess who is terribly sad about not having a bike?....yep Bennett and I'm sad, too. It's tough learning responsibility. I could have just cried when he got out of the van and saw what the van did to his bike.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday {Feb. 10}

This series written with teens in mind, I suppose has been pretty good. I will admit that I'm tired of the series, but I'm not one to just drop things, so I'm about 200 pages shy of finishing the thing. I have so many books that I'm ready to read in the young adult fiction category. Since so many of my kids ask, "What are you reading good, Mrs. Hasley?" I have to give them something they might like, too. So, I'll share more titles that are appealing other than werewolves and vampires!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Guesstures {Feb. 9}

We took some time Monday night to play a game with the kids. Doug cracked me up. Addy and I were on a team and the boys were on a team. They won by two points, but we sure gave them a run for their money. If you haven't ever played that game, it is basically charades with a timer...Funny watching 7, 8 year olds act out words like squint...that was definitely the hardest and needless to say we didn't Guess it in time! But they did guess words like heart and apple, and Bennett even got the words like sprain and serve which I thought was hard to act out. I love that they are growing up.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Guess Who got his first bike?

Bryant has had a hard time keeping up with brother and sister on his big wheel, so after church we stopped by and got his very own thomas bike! he is already a pro! imagine that.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Blueberry pancakes {Feb. 7th}

The kids and I made their favorite this morning. Bennett and I are the only ones that like blueberries in our pancakes so the other two had to have plain ones. Doug is usually our pancake maker, but he is busy with tax season. So we all joined in this morning.

hanging out on Friday night

I vaguely remember the days when Friday night meant going anywhere other than my home. Now a days we being all five of us can't wait until we are home on Friday after work. We usually spend the evening haning out. I try my best to be done with all house work, no photography work and a light dinner....little clean up. The rest of the time we are just being us! I love it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Big Girl Haircut! {Feb. 5th}

Addison got a new do tonight. She's been begging me for awhile now to get a cute hair cut as she calls it. I really like her long blonde look. I'm afraid we don't have much longer with blonde, so I was hesitant to cut it, but oh well....she has layers in the back. I had to take all the kids and I mean all to get a trim today. It is a shame was super cuts costs, really!

Wednesday {Feb. 4th}

Nighty Night, Sleep Tight

Hungry Like a wolf {Feb. 4th}

Bryant gets his turn with Rock Band. He loves playing with his daddy and Addison singing. His two favorite songs to play are Hungry like a Wolf and Eye of the Tiger....don't think for a minute I have a prodigy on my hands. He gets boo'd off the stage after about 1 minute of beating those drums. Oh, well. it is the exposure we are after right?

Monday, February 2, 2009

School Buddies {Feb. 2}

I give Lily Kate a ride home every Monday and today she came to our house to play with Addison. These girls are best buddies and her mom and I work together. They look like a mess, after playing dress up!

Super Bowl Sunday {Feb. 1}

After we got home from church, all five of us, put down our fair share of some nachoes and then topped it off with snickerdoodle ice cream! yea, that was the best thing I've ever eaten (even though it doesn't appear to be by the looks on their faces.) It's Blue Bell's newest flavor. I love it. I did go to bed before the game was over. But I heard it was a close call for the Stealer fans. I didn't really care who won. I just like to think about all those people who bet on the games and how miserable the end of that game must have been for so many.

Mr. and Miss NHS {January 31}

Here's where I spent my Saturday... with the new m/m NHS. We had over 40 contestants who competed on Saturday. The finalists questions were pretty tough. One was the following, "Name one book or movie that your life most resembles." These 10-12 graders only have a few seconds to gather themselves and answer on stage with everyone watching and wating for their responses. Another one was, "Name one thing you would change about parents and or teachers." The first runner up, Jasmine answered that question so well. She said, "I would change their title from Parent/Teacher to friend, because a great teacher and a great parent in the end can become some of your most dear friends." Isn't that a great response.....and she didn't even have to just came right out. I tell ya, I was impressed this year with the finalists' answers. Congratulations to Vincent and Shavonda! I don't know why I didn't save a picture of Shavonda smiling, she's got a great smile.....Vincent's hat cracks me up, doesn't it you?

Laundry anyone? {January 30th}

So, I only do laundry one day a week. After 2 of the 6 loads, here's the product! Ready to be picked up and put in drawers. The kids have really learned to help me put clothes away, which is nice...especially since we have upstairs now! I typically don't bore myself on Friday nights with laundry, I try to do it all Thursday night, but I worked really late on Thursday so there wasn't time. I'm curious, do any of you wash only once a week? Or am I weird?

Friendship {January 29th}

You know those people that instantly you just know that they will be a friend for life? Well, I meant most of those types of friends in college, and a few more while working and Aimee has been one of those friends that I could not live without. She is the best at, well just about everything. She has sponsored senior council with me and by herself, too. I might add. She took it over when Bryant was tiny. She has been co sponsor with me ever since. We work very closely at school on lots of things other than just senior council. Anyway, this week we organized the pageant and had very little stress mainly because we've worked together for so long that it just works!