Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yoga Master March 31st

Addy is pretty good at the yoga moves on wii fit...better than her mom anyway. I could learn a thing or two from her skills and balance.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break 09

I love this story of adventure with Katniss and Peeta! It is a great read!
Can you feel the love? Learning to Jump In

John Deere Fun

Big Sister help

Lizard Love! yuck!

Before the haircut!

I'm going to encompass the week's worth of photographs in seven shots from our week.

Endless Thursday, March 19th

I never thought we would make it through the day, but we did. I had p.t. conferences until 9:00, but I had the opportunity to snap some soccer pictures for Sims around 7:00, so I stepped out of the gym to the field and spent about 10 mintues snapping our girls in action against Southside. They tied but played their hearts out. All that running, I tell ya.......

Wednesday March 18th

I don't have an image as of yet, but needless to say this day was just a tad bit hectic for the Hasley household. We missed, no I forgot the first appt we had for church directory pictures, so today was the makeup day and our time was 4:45. I hate having to listen to the sales pitch....I wanted to hand him my business card on the front end, but that would have been rude, huh? So, while I sat and listened to the pitch, Doug took the kids to grab a bite to eat before church, bring me something back, and change their clothes. The bad thing is that Doug thought I had forgotten Bryant's pants so he drove all the way home....no close at all, and searched and found some new ones, all the while the right ones were right in the front seat. I didn't have my cell because I left it in the van, so I'm sitting at church waiting more than 45 minutes....you think we need to work on the communication a bit, huh? oh well, we were all fed by 6:30 and in our places for church. I also didn't manage to spend a dime on the photos that were taken, though they weren't bad at all......I'll post that image after I receive in the mail.

Tuesday, March 17th

Luck of the Irish. Bennett's favorite color has always been green, so today was a perfect day for him!

Just a tad bit of personality, yea right! March 16th

I'm going to enlist on any and everyone's prayers to get this girl through adolescence. I just adore her and I'm so thankful God blessed me with her. My prayer is that she will follow God and seek his face even when mom and dad seem to be unfair...that she see that the truth is the easier way to follow.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The before and after! {March 15th}

Isn't he the cutest little guy! hard to believe he looked that bad. This is what you call an extreme makeover in a dog's world.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

SATURDAY {March 14}

The kids and I went to VB today to visit with Beth Ann and Meredith. It was great, I've not seen Mer in a really long time. The house was full of kids, that's for sure. I love having the time to just get back in touch....facebook, blogs are great, but nothing beats just hanging out.

Friday the 13th

I should have taken a picture of the fire when we started it, but I was too busy reading by it instead of photographing it. I am hoping to have one more fire tomorrow and I bet that is the last one of the season. I'll be sad...I love sitting in my red chair and hearing the crackle and POP!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dirty Dog {March 12}

Bath? Haircut? Anyone? How sad is this cute little guy. I've really been watching our budget and one of the cutbacks was the 50.00 haircut for Murphy, but today I realized that enough is enough. I miss my cute little fluffy westie. Happy Tails here we come. by the looks of the picture they might not even recognize that he is supposed to have white fur?

Where should we sleep, tonight? {March 11}

Bennett has always been attached to his bed and likes the privacy of his own room, now. But the other two are like nomads searching endlessly for a place to land. Some nights they are on the floor with their covers in big brother's room. Some nights they are both in litlle brothers twin size bed and then there are nights that they opt for the full size bed in Addy's room. Occasionally all three of them land in their own beds....Maybe once a month. Wednesday night, Bryant actually came downstairs and asked if we could put Addison in her own bed.....Doug agreed and moved her from Bryant's twin bed to her room. Addison and Bryant I think are going to be the closet in their relationship... Bryant adores her and she enjoys taking care of him, too.

Boys and their Sticks

The kids and I worked in the yard again today seeing how this might be the last day of warm weather for a week or so.......They helped bag up the last leaves out of the flower beds and I trimmed back some of the crepe myrtle bushes. Those sticks I trimmed off were perfect for brothers to wack each other with!

A child's creativity {March 9}

While Papa and I were working in the yard, Addy decided it was a great day to fly a kit, except we don't have one anymore, so she built her own, then the boys joined in. It was a great day to be a mom, the kids were totally entralled with their creations I was there as an observer! Addy and Bennett were both very resourceful with their kite making materials. I was impressed. I really like this phase our family is in right now...anyone have a freeze frame?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

leftover Sunday

I couldn't help but to post this picture even though it was taken on Saturday. Bryant is really growing up. He played all afternoon....we forget he is just three.

60th birthday

Daddy Doug turned 60 today. We helped celebrate with him. The picture is great! All the grandkids are in there except Max...he was a little scared of the bounce around.

Fun Friday

It was so warm today, my air broke in my classroom and by the afternoon the reading was nearly 80 in my room, so we ventured outside to at least feel a breeze. When the kids and I got home, they hit the bikes. Addy really likes her hula hoop. I love spring, but not so much the allergies!:(

Tennis Thursday

Bennett has been playing tennis for the last month on Tuesday afternoons with his school friends. There was a tournament between three local elem. schools. He got to play two matches. He lost the first one, but won the second. He had a great time learning a new sport. I hope he doesn't want mom to help. That is one sport that I never quite understood...maybe it was because I got tired of trying to chase that little yellow bouncy ball.

Work Wednesday {March 4}

Other than work after school and tonight to get stuff done for school, Wednesday's are always fast paced and tiring....

Tuesday chores {March 3}

Bennett and Addy are great loaders and unloaders of the dishwasher! This is their main chore. Can't you tell I told Bennett,"To Smile". He still has to work on the verse....do with a cheerful heart, but don't we all, huh!

Dinner without Daddy March 2nd

So much of tax season means dinner's without Daddy, how sad is that. But we make the best of it. Here's Bryant enjoying his nuggets, fries and applesauce...a staple around here, that's for sure.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Singing kids, March 1

{No picture as of yet?}Tonight we had our praise night at church. All the musical groups in our church performed praises to God. It was great and it is amazing how much talent God has given to our church. From the little 4 year olds all the way up to the adults. It is a gift, really. A blessing from God that we give back to him.