Bryant loves his new Christmas toys. He has really played with all of them. The police car was his pick today. Lucky for the police car he didn't crash down the stairs like a lot of his toys, do. I love this age. oh and the funny of today....I picked him up from preschool and he had his shoes on the wrong feet..I asked him, "Have your shoes been on the wrong feet all day?" "Yep!" was his response. Tuesdays are the day daddy takes the kids to school. hmmmmmm?
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Too funny! I remember year before last there were 2 days of the week that Roger got Jedidiah ready for school. It was always fun on those days when I picked him up to see what he was wearing. Usually, his hair was a mess, and very seldom did he match, but those days with Dad were always special.