After two months of not posting, starting to school, a little boy turning 4, a 75 anniversary at church, a new puppy, plenty of photo sessions and weddings, football games, pancake Saturday mornings, hanging out with friends, taking six hours of grad school, a last short visit to Crossett and just daily life around the Hasley house has taken it's toll on the extra time to post....but here are A LOT of images that filled up our last two months.
Here are some shots from our little get-away in Kansas City. The lodge had everything fun for kids, from put put to an interactive video game just for Bennett. It was a nice short vacation.
Here are a few from the last few weeks. I realized today that I've not taken too many shots this summer! I need to step it up and quit reading so much by the pool listening to the kids swim. ha!
The month of June for the most part was relaxing. We swam a lot! Bryant has really learned how to swim after lessons with Ian. We had a fellowship with our Sunday school class with over 30 kids swimming in the pool and Bryant acted like he was a big kid! Isn't little Owen just precious in the picture with his daddy! Doug started his shop in the backyard! yea! I am so happy for him to have a place to put all his tools. The garage just isn't cutting it, so he along with both of our dad's are working on it and hope to finish it in a few weeks. My neices came up to visit for a few days with mom and dad---that was so much fun. I didn't get one picture, though! Kerry, Amy and Becky came up to visit for a few days! I loved spending time with my friends. Too often I get in the mom, teacher, photographer mode and everything else goes.....but it was fun catching up and we had a housefull! July 4th slipped on us all, and the kids had a terrific time in Mena with the Conine kids. We skipped rocks, went on the slip and slide and made homeade ice cream. I love summer! We also got to help out Mrs. Beckman pick her potatoes! They had a blast and the potatoes were delicious! We had Bennett's birthday party so we could have a pool party. He had fun with friends from school and church. We barely got out of the pool before the big storm hit that knocked out our power for 24 hours! oh and Doug and Bennett with Daddy Doug went to Omaha to see the hogs play in the college world series. I haven't gotten the pics downloaded yet, so I'll add those later. Just reading this post makes me tired. Maybe June wasn't so relaxing after all?
But, seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Miracle of the Moment
Let it go and listen to your heartbeat....There's a wonder in the here and now...It's right there in front of you...Dont' want you to miss theMiracle of the Moment....Steven Curtis Chapman
Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose."